Building Pixpipe

By default, Pixpipe already comes with a built version in the dist directory. Still, if you modify it, you may want to build your own version.
In this case, clone it or download it from the master, then, open a terminal, and:

$ cd pixpipejs
$ npm install
$ npm run build

This will generate a ES5-compatible umd bundle file in the dist directory: pixpipe.js.
This single source file can be imported in a html page like any other js file:

<script src="a/path/to/pixpipe.js"></script>

The build command will also make a ES5-compatible commonJS source that is easier to import in a bigger project: pixpipe.cjs.js.

Note that Pixpipejs is developed using ES6 and might not be compatible with older browsers -- Google closure compiler to the rescue! In addition, to provide a nice and easy way to minify the built version, it also transpiles the codebase into ES5. Here is the command:

$ npm run build
$ npm run min

Note Pixpipe does not use an npm minifier plugin because it's codebase is too large, thus it uses directly the closure compiler from Google (see closurecompiler folder).

Development mode

In addition to the regular building mode, you can work in development mode:

$ cd pixpipejs
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

This is has two advantages over the regular build mode:

  • It lauches a local webserver
  • It builds only the umd package and keeps it as ES6, which is faster since there is no transpiling involved. (but please don't distribute a ES6 bundle).

Building the documentation

Pixpipejs uses DocumentationJS to generate a HTML documentation. It uses JSDoc syntax and is generated with the following command:

$ npm run doc

Then, the documentation is accessible in the doc folder or can be directly read here.

Build the whole thing

If you want to build the project, have a minified version and build the doc, then do:

$ npm run all

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