Hello there, if you want to learn how to use Pixpipe, you're at the right place! This cookbook was made to cover the majority of use-cases and provide enough material to get you started, though it does not cover 100% of Pixpipe. If you have a question or would like to see an additional section in this book, please raise an issue on the cookbook's repo.

Install for production

npm install --save pixpipe

The dist folder of Pixpipe contains several pre-built bundles:

  1. pixpipe.js is the default umd bundle you can import from an HTML document, from an ES module or require from node. It is transpiled into ES5 for broader compatibility.
  2. pixpipe.min.js is the same as pixpipe.js but minified, which makes it about 3 times smaller
  3. pixpipe.es6.js is also a umd bundle that goes more or less anywhere but its syntax remain ES6, which is the original Pixpipe syntax
  4. pixpipe.esmodule.js is a es module, which is specialy baked to be imported (using import) from another es module. You cannot use this version directly in a HTML page with the <script> markups or require it from Node.

The file that will then be imported is dist/pixpipe.js [1], because it is defined as main in the package.json file. The [2] and [3] are mostly alternative to this main bundle, to be use in more of less the same conditions.
While they can all be imported in a es module, only the [4] provides an optimal way to do it, by selecting only the class you need and thus make a smaller final bundle.

In HTML file

<!-- Import the ES5 UMD bundle -->
<script src="pixpipe/dist/pixpipe.js"></script>

<!-- or alternatively, the ES6 UMD bundle -->
<script src="pixpipe/dist/pixpipe.min.js"></script>

<!-- or alternatively, the minified ES5 UMD bundle -->
<script src="pixpipe/dist/pixpipe.min.js"></script>

In Node

const pixpipe = require("pixpipe");

In ES module This imports ALL Pixpipe:

import pixpipe from 'pixpipe'

To have a finer granularity on what part of Pixpipe you want to import (and thus have a smaller final bundle), you can also use the esmodule version of Pixpipe:

import { Image2D, Image3D } from 'pixpipe/dist/pixpipe.esmodule.js'

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